1. I agree and consent to Sven Jobs Pty Ltd (ACN 657 600 621), its directors, employees, officers, agents, contractors and related entities (Sven) use of images or recordings, sound, digital or otherwise of me (Images and Recordings) formed in connection with, relating to or for Sven, and:
2. I agree that the rights granted to Sven under this Image Consent Form are perpetual and that I will not receive any payment, royalty or other consideration (whether monetary or otherwise) from Sven in connection with the making, use or storage of the Images and Recordings
3. I agree to Sven collecting, storing, handling, accessing, managing, transferring, using and disclosing personal information about me, including but not limited to my name, details and image, in connection with the Images and Recordings or the Promotional Materials.
4. I acknowledge and agree that any Promotional Materials that refer to me, expressly or by implication, are, at the date of publication, made in good faith and are not intended to defame or offend me or bring me into disrepute.
5. I agree that Sven is the owner of the copyright in the Images and Recordings and the physical Images and Recordings.
6. I release and indemnify Sven from and against all liability based on any personal, property, residual, re-use or other right that I have or may have by virtue of any use by Sven of the Images and Recordings, and any claim for further consideration or compensation for the Images and Recordings or the rights granted under this Image Consent Form.
7. I have the full right and legal capacity to accept, and have read, this Image Consent Form prior to agreeing to it.